Jung and the Evolution of Analytical Psychology Thought School

Loni Mori
May 04, 2024By Loni Mori

The Evolution of Thought: Carl Jung’s Journey from Freudian Disciple to Analytical Psychology Pioneer

The intellectual partnership between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud is one of the most fascinating and pivotal relationships in the history of psychology. Initially, Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, was an ardent supporter of Freud’s psychoanalytic theories. Their collaboration began with a marathon conversation that lasted for thirteen hours, marking the start of an intense friendship and professional alliance1. However, this relationship was not to last.

The Breakaway: Foundations of Analytical Psychology

Jung’s divergence from Freud’s theories was rooted in both personal and theoretical differences. While Freud emphasized the role of sexuality in neuroses, Jung began to see the psyche more holistically, stressing the importance of immediate conflicts over childhood ones. This led to the birth of analytical psychology, a term coined by Jung to describe his new “empirical science” of the psyche. It was a move from the Freudian focus to a broader exploration of the unconscious, including the collective unconscious and archetypes.

The Power of Analytical Psychology

Analytical psychology brought forward the concept of the collective unconscious, a shared part of the unconscious that includes memories and ideas inherited from our ancestors. Jung noticed that as he was seeing patients from different parts of the world, from different heritages, religious upbringings, and even different genders, that they all shared similar thoughts around how they thought of themselves, the world around them and even shared similar fantasy's. This was so intriguing to Jung and even shared in the shaping of thougt,  on what Jung introduced to the world as “complexes” or hang ups that he noticed present with his patients. For example the sense of inferiority was present in the same way, he even had documented the same fantasy's in the pathology of patients who never had a chance to discuss this with each other , It was just present, This is how Jung was able to coin the term the collective unconscious, and introduced the world to concepts such as archetypes, the anima and animus, and the process of individuation, which have had a profound impact on psychology and beyond. 

Jungian Coaching: A Modern Application

More recently, Jungian coaching has emerged as a transformative approach to personal and professional development. It integrates Jung’s theories with coaching practices, placing the psyche—or soul—at the center of the coaching process. Jungian coaching differs from traditional coaching by focusing on the individuation process, helping clients reconnect with their life’s purpose and facilitating long-term growth.

Conclusion: The Lasting Influence of Jung’s Work

Jung’s break from Freud and the subsequent creation of analytical psychology have empowered generations of psychologists, therapists, and now even psychology coaches. The power of Jung’s work lies in its ability to tap into the deeper aspects of the human experience, offering pathways to understanding and growth that continue to resonate today.

For those interested in exploring the depths of the psyche and seeking transformation, Jungian coaching offers a unique and powerful modality that honors the complexity of the human spirit, and the soul.